Monday, December 5, 2011

Displaying Data Labels Inside the Vertical Bars on the Bar Chart Graph

There was a requirement for us where we needed to show the data labels inside the vertical bar graph. In OBIEE, by default it is set as on the top of each bar.

Data Labels position can be modified using editing pcxml Files which contain formats for Charts.

Update the  file column.pcxml ( this is the file for the Bar Charts) with "i
nsideBottom" .

This is the tag ,we need to update in the pcxml file:

<DataLabels Font='Size:9;Style:Bold;' Position='InsideBottom' TransparentBackground='False' BGColor='#FFFFFFcd' BorderType='None' /> 
ml files, then stop and restart the BI JavaHost and BI processes.

For a Bar Chart the File to modify is column.pcxml

This file must be found in 2 locations ,
1.- Back Up the files before modifying them
2.- <OracleBI>\web\app\res\<s_style>\charts
Example: C:\OracleBI\web\app\res\s_oracle10\popbin
3.- In the folder where the Projhect has been deployed in the app server
Example :C:\OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\res\s_oracle10\popbin
4.-After this BI Services, Application Services and Javahost Service must be restarted

Printing A Large OBIEE Answers Report Or Dashboard To PDF Fails With Error Code

I got the following  Fatal error message when I was  trying to print a large report to PDF.

Error Codes: AGEGTYVF

A fatal error occurred while processing the request.
The server responded with: Error while executing PDFRpcCall.processMessage$ReadOverTheLimitException at at at at at at at at$ at at$ at

It is a known bug in OBIEE and Oracle support team has provided with the following  solution.

Note: Reverse the slashes for a Linux/Unix platform.

  1. Modify <oracle_home>\OracleBIData\web\config\instanceconfig.xml and add the <JVMOptions> tag to increase JVM heap size :
<JavaHome>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16</JavaHome>
<JVMOptions>-Xms256m -Xmx512m </JVMOptions>

  1. Modify <oracle_home>\OracleBI\web\javahost\config\config.xml 

    There are two locations of 
    <InputStreamLimitInKB>. One location is inside the <PDF> tag and another is inside the <XMLP> tag. For OBIEE (10.1.3.x), the correct tag for <InputStreamLimitInKB> is <XMLP>.

    Increase the value of 
    <InputStreamLimitInKB> inside the <XMLP> tag from default value (8192kb - 8MB) to 14336.

    For example: 
<!-- Size limit for PDF request message -->
<!-- Path to PDF userconfig.xml file. -->
<!-- <UserConfigFile/> -->

  1. After modifying the xml files, then stop and restart the BI JavaHost and BI processes
  2. Retest the problematic report and observe the outcome. Adjust if necessary in small increments.
Note: An appropriated number of <InputStreamLimitInKB> is not a magic number and you may have to try to tune it to suite your environment.
<InputStreamLimitInKB> when it is set to 0 (zero) equals unlimited; however, unlimited is not recommended. The <InputStreamLimitInKB> was designed to be a governor to prevent system overload.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Creating a report to list the request details used in the dashboard via Catalog Manager

There is a way to get the list of reports which are created in the Answers and the columns which these reports use by using Catalog Manager. In the similar way we can list out the dashboards and the reports and prompts it contain the list for the columns or tables which are present in Presentation Catalog in the presentation layer of RPD, but are not used in any of the reports or dashboards in answers.

Open the Catalog Manager and expand the folder , go to the Tools and click on the Create Report Utility.

To get details about reports select Requests then select details of reports you want, then give the path to save the file with xls extension, then click OK.

To get details of dashboards select the dash boards in Tools>Create Report in catalog manager and select the details for the dashboards.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to add clear button to the dashboard

In the dashboard,  to clear all the prompts and reset it to the default values we can use either 
1) Clear My Selections under Page Options which is on the right side of the dashboard  or 
2) Include a clear button on the dashboard with HTML script.

1) Clear My Selections under Page Options which is on the right side of the dashboard

2) Include a clear button on the dashboard with HTML script.

a) Add a Text object to the section under the Edit Dashboard page options.

b) Edit the Text Object and enter the HTML code as shown in the image with a check mark on the HTML Markup.