I got the following Fatal error message when I was trying to print a large report to PDF.
Error Codes: AGEGTYVF
A fatal error occurred while processing the request.
The server responded with: Error while executing PDFRpcCall.processMessage com.siebel.analytics.utils.InputStreamWithLimit$ReadOverTheLimitException at com.siebel.analytics.utils.InputStreamWithLimit.incTotalBytes(InputStreamWithLimit.java:58) at com.siebel.analytics.utils.InputStreamWithLimit.read(InputStreamWithLimit.java:41) at com.siebel.analytics.utils.IOUtils.copyStreams(IOUtils.java:38) at com.siebel.analytics.utils.IOUtils.copyStreams(IOUtils.java:28) at com.siebel.analytics.web.javahostrpccalls.xmlp.XmlpAbstractRpcCall.processMessageInternal(XmlpAbstractRpcCall.java:40) at com.siebel.analytics.javahost.AbstractRpcCall.processMessage(AbstractRpcCall.java:94) at com.siebel.analytics.javahost.MessageProcessorImpl.processMessage(MessageProcessorImpl.java:175) at com.siebel.analytics.javahost.Listener$Job.run(Listener.java:223) at com.siebel.analytics.javahost.standalone.SAJobManagerImpl.threadMain(SAJobManagerImpl.java:205) at com.siebel.analytics.javahost.standalone.SAJobManagerImpl$1.run(SAJobManagerImpl.java:153) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
It is a known bug in OBIEE and Oracle support team has provided with the following solution.
Note: Reverse the slashes for a Linux/Unix platform.
- Modify <oracle_home>\OracleBIData\web\config\instanceconfig.xml and add the <JVMOptions> tag to increase JVM heap size :
<JavaHome>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16</JavaHome>
<JVMOptions>-Xms256m -Xmx512m </JVMOptions>
- Modify <oracle_home>\OracleBI\web\javahost\config\config.xml
There are two locations of <InputStreamLimitInKB>. One location is inside the <PDF> tag and another is inside the <XMLP> tag. For OBIEE (10.1.3.x), the correct tag for <InputStreamLimitInKB> is <XMLP>.
Increase the value of <InputStreamLimitInKB> inside the <XMLP> tag from default value (8192kb - 8MB) to 14336.
For example:
<!-- Size limit for PDF request message -->
<!-- Path to PDF userconfig.xml file. -->
<!-- <UserConfigFile/> -->
- After modifying the xml files, then stop and restart the BI JavaHost and BI processes
- Retest the problematic report and observe the outcome. Adjust if necessary in small increments.
Note: An appropriated number of <InputStreamLimitInKB> is not a magic number and you may have to try to tune it to suite your environment.
<InputStreamLimitInKB> when it is set to 0 (zero) equals unlimited; however, unlimited is not recommended. The <InputStreamLimitInKB> was designed to be a governor to prevent system overload.